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Why are users down with SMS if all users have until 3/31 to comply with the new rules? The fix should not be case by case and “we are investigating” just open it up globally while you then fix individual issues. We are literally losing business. @Becky-Community_Manager

I couldn't agree more! Ring Central has absolutely botched this!!! FIX IT NOW!!

totally agree - on phone with tech support for 2 hours, nothing. opened a support case, nothing.

I wish we were able to turn on SMS for everyone, but unfortunately registration is required. This means that any new number set up after Dec 1, 2022, or any number that has been flagged by carriers, aggregators, or spam agencies must be TCR registered before SMS can be enabled.

As a reminder, RingCentral is not taking any action on numbers unless required to by the above. This means we are not disabling SMS on any number for the sole reason of it not being TCR registered, and existing numbers are not expected to be blocked by carriers (except for policy violations) until after March 31, 2023.

We are aware that some customers are experiencing issues when sending to a single provider and are working to resolve this issue. Additional informational for this is available on our status site at

We will also be hosting a webinar on March 8 at 10am PST to share more about the TCR process, answer questions, and take feedback. To register for the webinar please visit

I know this is not ideal, and this is not the experience we wish for our customers. We will continue to advocate on the behalf of our customers and do everything we can to make this carrier required registration as painless as possible.

@Mike Stowe - we registered weeks in advance and now it's down seemingly across a lot, if not all of RC, so your answer doesn't hold water

@Mike Stowe I think you are incorrect in stating "no action was taken". We are not allowed to outbound SMS off any number in our lot and we only SMS at a customer's request. Thus, we are not a Spam shop and none of our numbers should/would be flagged. We, as do all, have until 3/31 to comply and proactively; our brand is Registered and campaign is Pending. Explain why then we cannot SMS today through the 31st given the above?

@Mike Stowe - you have multiple customers complaining of the same outage, on the same day, and all say they have already taken the TCR steps weeks ago. RC's customer support only says to basically do what did weeks ago and now wait 20-30 days? That's why we did it 3 weeks ago. I am amazed Ring Central is not able to fix what clearly is a large scale failing of the basic services we all pay A LOT of money for. The solutions we are given are absolute garbage and insulting given we followed every step, well in advance, to avoid this exact issue!!
