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RC Classic Version: 20.2.30 (E. 7.1.8)

I am barely able to hear anyone on my meetings, even with my headphone, computer, and RC volumes all the way up. This had never been an issue until an update that happened yesterday.

It appears that the volume slider in RC has tied itself to my computer volume slider. If I slide the RC volume to 100%, it is still quiet, but all of my computer noises are extremely loud (I have to go into the sound mixer and adjust system sounds to be lower).

Troubleshooting steps taken:

-Trying RC Meetings instead of RC Classic

-Uninstalling RC Meetings and trying RC Classic

-Uninstalling both RC Meetings and RC Classic, reinstalling just RC Classic

-Toggling all audio checkbox options on and off

Hi Alison,

Please send us an email at I'll be sharing you a some slides which will help resolve this issue.

Is it possible to share these slides more publicly. I'm also having this issue. I have the in-app volume for Ring Central to 100% but I need to double or triple my system volume from what is comfortable in other apps to be able to hear someone calling me via Ring Central.

Hello @John Nickell, apologies! As far as audio, that is not RingCentral; that is Windows (assuming this will be Windows). Right Click on the sound icon, select sounds, then go to the communication tab.


Please let us know if that helps! Thank you.

@Jenn-Community_Moderator Thanks for responding.

You were correct in assuming Windows. When I looked at mine it's set to Reduce others by 80%. Your recommendation seems counter to what I think would be necessary. If RC is registering itself as a communications app then I think we WOULD want it set to "Reduce the volume of other sounds" so that whatever else is running is muted or reduced when we actually begin having a telephone call over RingCentral
