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Here is the issue with "ask first" not working all the time:

Agent 1 answers call from call queue

Agent 1 then searches for Agent 2, clicks on Agent 2 name, then clicks on "ask first" to warm transfer the call that came into the queue.

The system then calls Agent 2, Agent 2 picks up the phone but cannot hear Agent 1. In turn Agent 1 doesn't hear Agent 2 and cannot "ask first" to transfer the call. There's just "dead air" on both ends.

When "ask first" doesn't work, the greeting and hold music is "cut" when Agent 1 clicks on "ask first" and there is no hold music when calling Agent 2. This is the "tell" to Agent 1 that "ask first" is going to fail.

Is this a known issue with "ask first" not working all the time? Is there a fix?

Version: Web, Windows

Date: 2021-04-28 08:50:06

Hi Laurie, we don't have a reported known issue. Please reach out to Technical Support via creating a case online or calling the hotline at 1-888-898-4591.

Hi, Laurie. Did you ever figure this out? I have a user with the same issue.

Regarding the ask first on dial pad. So I have some phones that will not accept the ask first it just hangs up on them by the 1st ring. Could this be cause they are not using the app, and I am?

okay, so mine does the same. I get call hit ask first but depending on the line I am transferring to it will either out me on hold or it will work. I can actually see myself being put on hold.

We are having the same issue. I'll create a case for us. Has there been a solution?
