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As of Monday we have noticed a change in how the web portal messages page works. We download faxes in batches by customer from the web portal which works best for our volume and workflow. We filter by name (of customer) and status: Unread.

Prior to this week, when we would download a fax it would automatically be marked as "Read" and filter out automatically as we download that batch.

There were two behavior changes which are slowing down our process:

1) Downloading the fax no longer marks the fax as "Read". We have to check the ones we downloaded manually and then click "Mark Read" on the the top bar. This happens no matter how we view/download.

2) You can download by clicking on the three dots under "Action" and clicking download which is a two click process. You used to be able to click on 'download fax' icon under message for one click download. This now takes multiple clicks to download.

I checked settings to see if there was any way to change these behaviors back but it does not appear so. I tried different browsers as well.

Can this either be changed back to prior behavior or give the option to change the behavior in settings. These changes make the download process take more steps and also increase chance for user error.

Hi @Kirk A , we cannot revert it to the previous settings as this is part of the update. I suggest that you add this feedback to our Ideas Portal at
