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Many names under the text heading have gray dots, one green dot. If I mouse over the name the dot disappears. All of the texts have been previously viewed

Hello @the real dave, I did not quite understand your question. Can you post a screenshot of what you see on your app, please? Thank you!

I, too, am wondering what those dots are for! They show up every morning, but disappear when they feel like it! No way to tell what affects them! I will attempt to attach a file with a screenshot!

Sorry, but my screenshot includes all my monitors. Nonetheless, you can see the gray dots next to the text senders names. They disappear after a while for no obvious reason. Tech support gave me some weird answer for it, but it was wrong! Can anyone tell me why they show up every morning?

Do you see the gray dots next to the names for the people I have texted? What are they for? Why do they arbitrarily disappear?1617711147220.png

Nancy, those gray dots are indicators that the contact you're texting has a RingCentral app as well. It will turn green if that person is online.

That isn't what happens. These gray dots just disappear as you can see in this screenshot from a bit later in the morning. They NEVER come back during the day as gray or green. I know these people are online from time to time, but they never have green dots. You can see my green dot. I also don't believe they are on ring central, but if you insist they are, I will ask them.

Please check with your technicians who designed this program to find out why the gray dots appear every morning and why they disappear after a while!

Thank you



Mary, do you feel the answer you gave me previously is adequate, or are you trying to get the correct answer?

Funny - the screen shots I uploaded have now disappeared!

I find it hard to believe that almost all of my contacts have RC app and none of them are online as I scroll through the list. As Nancy said, the gray dots disappear when I mouse over the contact name.

Hello Mary! We are unable to get this information anywhere! When I call tech support they give me the same answer you did about the dots representing other R/C users. Wrong answer! They mean something. No one knows what!

I'm frustrated with R/C support! I had an AWFUL struggle when we first tried to start using R/C - and it is ongoing. Text messages disappearing off my computer: tech support gives me unhelpful reasons and every time I call about it, they try to get me to uninstall and reinstall the program from my computer. Doesn't solve the problem!

So, please check with your technicians who designed this program to find out why the gray dots appear every morning and why they disappear after a while!

Thank you


Hey Mary! Where did my text to you from yesterday go? And where is the text from Dave who had the same question go? What's going on?


Hi Nancy, kindly click the Show button. screen-shot-2021-04-13-at-100432-pm.png
