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We have a Main line that rings on 4 phones at the same time for incoming calls.  Those 4 phones also have their own individual line.  When one of us is going to be out we forward our phone to one of the other 3 people.  We just realized when any of us forward their individual phone, and a call comes in on the main line, no one else’s phone rings just flashes once and a missed call(s) message pops up, giving us no chance to answer.  Tried search for this issue no luck. Not sure where to begin. 


We need a little more information…

How is the main line set up - as a call queue, as a single extension with the four phones under it as devices, or ???.

The four lines - you said are their own extensions, assumption then is that each is a MVP/EX license with their own device/app under it?

Can you share your phone tree logic - that will help zero in on then which settings would be the ones to look at.




Are you using a call queue or a ring group for your main line?

If you are putting a forward on on 1 of the phones normally a call queue should see that the phone is unavailable and not offer any call. It should only offer the call to the available extensions.

I am guessing the issue is one of the following

  1. you are using a ring group
  2. you are not setting the call forward properly (multiple ways to set a call forward)
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. you are doing everything right and there’s a bug

Like Joe said - we can’t help much if we don’t understand how your system is set up.

