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Hello. I am using RC to teach a virtual class. I would like to set up some sub-chats so that small groups could chat amongst themselves without broadcasting that to the entire group.

For example, I have a class of 16 and I want to subdivide them in to 4 groups of 4. Is it possible to create 4 groups for that purpose?

Please let me know if you need further clarification.

Thanks in advance!!!

Hi @Brian Cook, this feature is not yet available. You may submit a feature request in our Ideas Portal. Check guidelines on this article as well.
Submitting and Voting for Product Ideas

Mary, why would you not state to set up 4 'Teams' with those people, leaving Brian as the admin so he could check back within each team? They can then have the session screen up, and the RC Team message screen as well.

Teams is one of the most basic functions RC has. Still has a ways to go for cross-team communication - but it's getting there.

Or, Brian - are you talking about chat 'within' the one conference session?
