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Audio voicemail attachments not playing,Voicemail attachment will not play audio

I use chrome and gmail on a mac. Voicemails are forwarded to my gmail as attachments. All of a sudden all incoming audio mp3 attachments (voicemails) will not open - error message - there was a problem playing this audio file. Nothing changed on my end. Cannot seem to get it working - frustrated.


I use chome and gmail - all of a sudden when I click on voicemail attachment it says there is a problem playing the audio file and cannot listen to the attachment voicemail - help!!

9 replies

Can you go to your online portal and check the voicemail over there, if those are playing fine:


You can also play directly there or download it from there

  • Author
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  • June 2, 2021

Yes they are playing from the online portal but not in my gmail - I could open the attachment then all of a sudden it keeps bringing up that message.

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  • June 4, 2021

I am actually having the exact same problem for the past week. Has anyone received any help with this?

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  • June 5, 2021

I did contact tech support but they keep saying go to online portal. However I do not want to keep going to the portal as in gmail I can sort the email voice messages etc and tag them. It has always worked so far. Contacted apple, google and they say nothing wrong with my gmail or laptop - no changes in my systems what so ever - so change has to be on Ring Central side.

The voicemails are unable to be opened by my laptop audio - tried on several different laptops including windows same thing. I know Ringcentral is making changed to the product and so wondering why the audio voicemails cant access my laptop audio through gamil - my laptop settings for say my audio is default. - Hours of trying different things - no result.

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  • June 7, 2021

I asked for my case to be escalated to higher support help but the case worker said no.

I am going to call tech support again.

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  • June 7, 2021

@Kim Phull NO luck here either. I have been trying to fix it through gmail channels but nothing thus far.

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  • June 7, 2021

@Kim Phull

NO luck here either. I have been trying to fix it through gmail channels but nothing thus far.

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  • June 8, 2021

This is a GMail issue. I'm experienceing the same thing and it appears to have occured on or about 6/1.

There is an online forum and several users have made the complaint to no avail.

Also, I have contacted Google directly, and suprisingly they are in communication with me, but basically asking me to do things I've already tried; i.e. clear cahce, use Chrome Incognito to test, test using Explorer, Firefox, Edge, etc. Nothing works and this is a Gmail issue.

A co-worker of mine was NOT having issues playing mp3 in her Gmail, until her computer re-booted, and likely caused her Gmail to close and re-open. Now she has the problem as well.

You'll notice that if you forward your Ring Central email to an msn account it plays just fine without having to be downloaded.

Some users state Gmail is aware of the issue, but with all of the technical expertise they have it should be a quick fix rather than something that drags out weeks.

Someone will need to make a Chrome Extension to deal with this.

Community Manager

Thanks for this information @Colonial Square Apartments.


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