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Fax API - Keeps failing with attachment using Javascript SDK from base64

  • September 30, 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi - I've tried all kinds of ways to get the SDK working. If i use the code in the template with fs.createreadstream - it works fine reading from a file.

i'm trying to upload reading from a base64 string. I've tried converting to a buffer / string - all kinds of things. The API call completes, but the status is failed in the dashboard and I don't know why it failed as there isn't further logging. Beating my head against the wall on this one. Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • September 30, 2022

To send a fax with attachment is a base64 string using the RingCentral Node JS SDK, try this.

async function sendFax() {
    var endpoint = "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/fax"
    var FormData = require('form-data');
    formData = new FormData();
    var body = {
      to: [{'phoneNumber': "RECIPIENT-NUMBER"}],
      faxResolution: 'High',

    formData.append('json', new Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body)), {
        filename: 'test.png',
        contentType: 'application/json'

    var base64Data = "...JsHpb9we8DAfN9fUY+h9OL9b4NKMvqwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="
    var bufferValue = Buffer.from(base64Data,"base64");
    formData.append('attachment', bufferValue, 'image.png');
    var resp = await, formData)
    var jsonObj = await resp.json()
    console.log("FAX sent. Current status: " + jsonObj.messageStatus + "/" +

BTW, there is a current issue with receiving fax attachment in the sandbox environment. You will only get the cover page, no attachment pages but the fax status should be "Sent" though.


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