Hi Everyone,
I am implementing Meeting api in PHP to create meeting link from our software but I am not able to create and facing below issue -
"message" : "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [Meetings] permission (truncated...)
So according to developer's guide there's nothing to do with the user
Also user is also not showing in users list which I created the app
I have followed this developer guide, generate credentials and used in the code - https://developers.ringcentral.com/guide/meetings/quick-start#php
I used below code and entered the values which are mentioned in the json file -
<?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); $dotenv = DotenvDotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__ . '/../'); $dotenv->load(); $rcsdk = new RingCentralSDKSDK( $_ENV['RC_CLIENT_ID'], $_ENV['RC_CLIENT_SECRET'], $_ENV['RC_SERVER_URL'] ); $platform = $rcsdk->platform(); $platform->login( $_ENV['RC_USERNAME'], $_ENV['RC_EXTENSION'], $_ENV['RC_PASSWORD'] ); $params = array( 'topic' => 'Test Meeting', 'meetingType' => 'Instant', 'allowJoinBeforeHost' => true, 'startHostVideo' => true, 'startParticipantsVideo' => false ); try { $resp = $platform->post('/account/~/extension/~/meeting', $params); print_r ('Start Your Meeting: ' . $resp->json()->links->startUri . " "); print_r ('Join the Meeting: ' . $resp->json()->links->joinUri . " "); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r ("An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . " "); }
Also I gave all required permission to App but it says user need permission and response going to catch block
Please assist
Thank you