Hi all,
I’ll share a little of what I know about TCR registration:
First, TCR registration is a requirement no matter which cloud provider you choose 8X8, Vonage, Zoom, etc., and not all providers offer SMS/MMS, and if they do, it’s not with a unified number for calling, fax & text, as RingCentral.
So basically, you create a “Brand” which doesn’t take very long, and then you create the “Campaign”.
The campaign doesn't require you to identify each user/number that you intend to text with from the campaign, you’re identifying which types of messages that you intend to text.
Lastly, mobile carriers require all business SMS user to register with The Campaign Registry (TCR). The rejections don’t come from RingCentral, but from the TCR itself, as the TCR is not a RingCentral entity.
Here are some links to additional information, hopefully they’re helpful:
What is TCR Registration
TCR business registration FAQ
Setting up TCR registration and assigning numbers to your SMS campaigns
Choosing the right SMS campaign for your local phone numbers
SMS consent requirements and examples