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Has anyone been able to reach Ring Central reps? I've had a ticket opened, called in, and have a chat ongoing and have yet to reach anyone

Has anyone been able to reach Ring Central reps? I've had a ticket opened, called in, and have a chat ongoing and have yet to reach anyone

3 replies

Community Manager
Hello Ashton!

Tech Support has a high volume of calls and chats as of the moment.

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • March 20, 2020
I tried several times across several days to get a chat support going and it would never work. It just sits and spins. I opened a couple of technical support cases within the support portal. The cases were logged or submitted just fine. However, the responses that I recieved from them show that no one read the details of the ticket and they just issued some standard boilerplate response that had nothing to do with the issue that I was asking about. This was all designed so that they can changed the ticket status to waiting on customer and get it out of the queue. While I understand that things can get busy and likely are right now in light of the world events, RingCentral is a premium priced service. For premiusm priced services, that generally means that you will recieve more than cheaper or lower cost competitors. In this case, this does NOT feel like premium priced service or support. This is frustrating at best and leaves the customer sad.

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • March 21, 2020
Since opening the tickets, I now get periodic email messages stating that I have not responded and that they are going to close the tickets. What is ironic is that I have, in fact, several times, replied to their email messages, I have logged into the support portal and posted updates on each of the tickets, and more. However, it seems like that is not sufficient and all I get are email messages telling me that I have NOT responded in several days. Hmmmm ... not sure what is going on here. I have also shared the ticket numbers with Mary Rose, from RingCentral, hoping that she would help escalated or have someone call me back. That did not work either. I have also emailed my sales person for our account and no response. At this point, I am not sure what else to do. This customer expierence is very poor. I guess that this is the warning message indicating to me that I need to look for another provider to move my services too. Fingers crossed in the short-term to see if the situation with RingCentral improves.


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