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Please Signup for the New** High Volume Batch SMS API

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Hello Developers, We are happy to announce that we at RingCentral have launched a High Volume Batch SMS(Beta) APIs. This new APIs will allow you to send High Volume SMS at higher throughputs based on your business needs. It can support multiple business cases under two broad categories 1. **Broadcasting Message** - These could be your marketing campaigns, discount information, new product launches and many more. This is the use case where you broadcast the same message to multiple recipients. 2. **Personalized Messages** - These could be your appointment information, your vehicle repair status, food delivery status and any personalized messages that you want to use to engage with your customers. The New High Volume Batch SMS API will support two number Types at different throttling rates a) **Toll-Free Numbers** - These are your regular US and Canada Toll-Free numbers. The Toll-Free Number can support upto 8 messages/sec as a default and can be increased based on your business case. The Pricing for Toll-Free is $0.007/ SMS Inbound and Outbound Respectively b) **US 10 DLC** - These are regular US 10 Digit Long Code Numbers. These numbers will be marked as Commercial Line Numbers so that the high volume A2P traffic is not blocked by carriers. The US 10 DLC Number will support 1 messages/sec and the Pricing will be $0.007/ SMS Outbound and Inbound is Free. To Sign up and be an Early Adopter, please register here: Once you start building the App please ask the RingCentral Team to add A2P SMS Permission to your App. ### High Volume Batch SMS (Beta) ## Features 1. Send messages in a batch at a high volume 2. Supported in US and CA 3. Use a Single API Call to send messages to thousands of numbers 4. Use the same API Endpoint to send a Broadcast or a Personalized message to different numbers 5. Unlimited SMS Batch Size (New Feature) 6. Queuing (New Feature) 7. Push Notifications - Batch status, Outbound Message, Inbound Message, Opt-outs #Endpoints ## POST /account/~/a2p-sms/batch This endpoint is used to send a batch of sms(s). This API can be used to either Broadcast the same message to all recipients or send a customized message to different recipients. ### Input Parameters * accountId := string (path parameter) ### Sample Request POST Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json ### Sample Broadcast Request { 'from': TF_NUMBER, 'text': 'Broadcast SMS', 'messages': [{'to':["+14083388064"]},{"to":["+14083388064"]}] } ### Sample Personalized Request { 'from': TF_NUMBER, 'text': 'Broadcast SMS', 'messages': [{'to':["+2222222233"],'text': 'This is for Dibyendu, stay safe'},{"to":["+14087187847"],'text': 'This is for XYZ, stay safe'}] } ### Sample Response { "id":"b1804d6f-137c-473a-925e-b78d8cc34410", "from":"+18883303674", "batchSize":2, "processedCount":0, "status":"Processing", "createdAt":"2020-04-01T00:09:00.293Z", "lastUpdatedAt":"2020-04-01T00:09:00.293Z" } ## GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/a2p-sms/batch/{batchId} This endpoint is used to get the status of a batch. You can use this to identify how many records did the batch process or the completion of the batch. ### Input Parameters * accountId := string (path parameter) * batchId:=string (path parameter) ### Sample Response { "id":"0ab4f3d1-9ee6-4d3f-accd-4b0567eb2992", "from":"+18883303674", "batchSize":2, "processedCount":2, "status":"Completed", "createdAt":"2020-03-31T21:51:42.682Z", "lastUpdatedAt":"2020-03-31T21:51:46.212Z" } ## GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/a2p-sms/messages?batchId={batchId}&pageToken={pageToken}&perPage={perPage} This endpoint can be used to get the status of single batch or ALL batches. ### Input Parameters * accountId := string (path parameter) * batchId:=string (query parameter) * pageToken:=string (query parameter) * perPage:=string (query parameter) ### Sample Response { "messages":[ { "id":"40146", "batchId":"0ab4f3d1-9ee6-4d3f-accd-4b0567eb2992", "to":[ "+14083388064" ], "createdAt":"2020-03-31T21:51:42.685Z", "lastUpdatedAt":"2020-03-31T21:51:46.212Z", "messageStatus":"delivered" }, { "id":"40147", "batchId":"0ab4f3d1-9ee6-4d3f-accd-4b0567eb2992", "to":[ "+14087187847" ], "createdAt":"2020-03-31T21:51:42.687Z", "lastUpdatedAt":"2020-03-31T21:51:46.207Z", "messageStatus":"delivered" } ], "paging":{ "pageToken":"Rjo0MDE0Ng==", "perPage":2, "firstPageToken":"Rjo0MDE0Ng==" } } ## GET /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages/{messageId} This API provides message level delivery details. ### Input Parameters * accountId := string (path parameter) * messageId:=string (path parameter) ### Sample Response { "id":"40146", "from":"+18883303674", "to":[ "+14083388064" ], "text":"This is for Dibyendu, stay safe", "createdAt":"2020-03-31T21:51:42.685Z", "lastUpdatedAt":"2020-03-31T21:51:46.212Z", "messageStatus":"delivered" } ### Push Notifications Push notifications can be used at various levels to stay updated on everything going on with your high volume SMS, from a High Volume SMS batch to an individual message level. The following push notifications are available. * Message Batch notifications : Provides updates on the individual batch status * Inbound message notifications : Provides updates on an incoming message to a number * Outbound message notifications : Provides updates on the delivery status of outbound messages * Opt-out notifications : Provides updates to track customers who opted out ## Message Batch notifications Batch level push notifications provide updates on batch status. A batch could have two states "Processing" and "Completed". The following event filters are supported * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batch - Notification for any batch status changes on that account * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batch/- Notification for a specific batchId * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batch?from=+15553334488 - Notification on batches from a specific From number ## Inbound message notifications Notify incoming messages on a phone number. The following event filters are supported. * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Inbound - Notification on inbound messages to current account * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Inbound&to=+15553337788 - Notification on inbound messages to a given phone number. ## Outbound message notifications Notify the delivery status of outbound messages. The following event filters are supported. * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Outbound - All outbound messages in an account * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Outbound&batchId=abc123 - All outbound messages from a specific batch * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Outbound&from=+15553339900 - Outbound Messages from a specific phone number ## Opt-out notifications Provides updates to track customers who opted out. The following event filters are supported. * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/opt-outs - All opt-outs for a given account * /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/opt-outs?from=+15553332299 - Opt-outs from a specific phone number ### Sample Code / App to Play with various scenarios You can use the sample Python App to play with various scenarios

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