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Very frustrated.... Can someone please explain to be about recurring meetings in new RC Video?

In old RC Meetings, there were clear directions: "

  • "When - Select the date, time and duration of your Meeting (local, device time zone).
  • Recurring meeting - Tick box if you would like a recurring meeting (i.e. the meeting ID will be persistent for the recurring meetings)."

In new RC Video, there is no "tick box" for recurring meetings. What are we supposed to do?

Say, for example, we have a committee meeting that does a video conference once a week on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. We want to have one video conference ID that all members have and can use to join this standing meeting. We do not want to make a new meeting ID each week. We do not want to "use up" any one person's personal meeting ID for this group meeting.

Where are the clear instructions on how to create an ID that will remain active week to week? Do we need to take special steps? Will a meeting created one week just keep working the next week? For how long?

And...for Ringcentral support people...why is this not clearly explained somewhere!!!??!

Thank you.

@Kathy Houser Please visit the KB Article below, and look under A general guideline to scheduling a recurring meeting. Since we integrated with Microsoft and Google, you need to set it up under their calendar. Once you schedule the meeting, for example, you use the outlook. Go to the outlook calendar, find the schedule you made, click edit and change the "Repeat" part.

That is how our organization is handling it, but IMO, that's relying too much on the MS/Google services. This should be a feature native to RC.
