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It wasn't great, but there use to be a way to make a poll for Ring Central meetings in your account ahead of the meeting. Unlike others (Zoom, 8x8, Teams, Webex) where you can create a poll in a meeting on the fly.

Now that function seems to be completely gone. No warning. I see however, Ring promoting very hard, its new Webinar mode which has a polling function. Now I see why our new price offer was lower - because Ring intends to recoup that per-user video license decrease with other fees in Webinars to get the features we use to get? There were no warnings in the product update e-mails I get to say this was going to be stripped away. Nor do Webinars meet our need - we do MEETINGS, not webinars, and we use polls in meetings with our clients and our staff.

Please explain why you made this change, and if you indeed to repair and restore this function that we paid for.

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