Seeing this intermittently across our Sales team today.
Ring Central Phone -> Salesforce app.
Click to Dial - > RC Phone shows correct phone state - > Salesforce app shows nothing, as if you didn't make the call at all.
CASE 1 : SF app 'Catches up' and shows the call state during the call. Once the call ends, the SF app doesn't see that you have hung up, and presents the buttons to hang up the call. Clicking this results in a 'server error' message.
CASE 2: SF app doesn't 'catch up' and the call appears in history in the SF app after a few minutes.
Both cases have my sales team getting persnickety, as logging accuracy is part of their KPIs and anything that impacts their metrics (and thus comp) and involves computers has me on the carpet in about 5 seconds. (amirite, admins?)
I can't possibly be the only person seeing this. There's a older post for something similar, but they just say it was 'slow'.