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I`m willing to create REST API that will call RingCentral to obtain CallLogs (not live calls).
I use JWT token with this link to obtain access token:
and it's all successful.1711011937054.pngI don't use RingCentral SDK because I use 3rd party tool to communicate with RingCentral.

So I have access token and my question is how/which API should be called to obtain my company calls?
My company number is +44204506xxxx
I have created Rest Api App on developer portal, I tried to use this api:

with production instance by clicking 'Try it out' but it gives me information that I don't have "ReadCompanyCallLog" permissions.

My questions are:
1. Do I use good API if I want to obtain list of call logs from my company number?
2. How can I add permissions to get this "ReadCompanyCallLog" - I'm developer admin on my account and I cannot perform this action
3. How I should place access token that I get from first call into next API calls (it should be in a header but with what key/property?)

Thanks in advance for any help in this topic.

It is because the JWT was generated by/for a user extension who has the standard (other a custom) user role under your RingCentral account. You have 3 options,

1. Use another user who is a super admin user to generate a new JWT token.

2. Change the current user role to "super admin" role.

3. Create a custom role and check these checkboxes accordingly (and any other user permission you need) and assign the new role to the current user.



thank you for this information but I don't see nothing like 'super admin' role.
Even on my personal dev account I have only those 3 (same as on my company one).1711091743860.png
And where do you create new roles for your app?
I can see only application scopes in Settings.

That is a wrong place to look and set. Login the account admin portal with a super admin user and set the user role of that user extension.

