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I cant submit my application for approval as im getting retirements not met. However when i look at the analytics everything is nice and dandy. i dont see what its still asking me to all api endpoints connected when they already are.screen-shot-2021-10-04-at-94655-am.png

i checked on the last 24 hours end points requests and they are also all good.


fax endpoint has 8 200 requests

authorize endpoint has 7 302 requests.

so what am i missing here?

What is your app client id?

sandbox id: BZDK7h4yRBmi6HPOFC-1-g

@Andrew Korneychuk Please make sure you are giving correct id.

App client id and client secret you will get under apllication dashboard.

You only need to give app client id (not client secret)

Thats exactly what i sent. Client ID. See screenshot below


Yes, it's weird that your app meets all the graduation requirements but it still complains about API exercise. I manually graduate your app but I will have a look at the problem later to see what causes the issue.
