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Listing in App Gallery

  • 22 November 2022
  • 4 replies

After our app graduated to production I created a profile for listing in the App Gallery. I submitted the profile, however, did neither receive a confirmation e-mail nor do I see the profile in my console.
Is this normal as the profile has not been approved, or do I have to assume that something went wrong when submitting the profile ?

What is the app name and app client id?

The app name is "ASC Recording Insights", the client ID is lZ1UuyaWSAKSNNUVuciK8g

Thanks! But I don't see the app on the list of pending for approval apps.

I will check with the team and let you know. Meanwhile, please double check your app profile to see if all the fields were filled properly and submitted successfully.

Found the cause. It seems you have not created a profile for the app gallery or the one you created did not go thru.

Please try again by logging in your RingCentral developer portal, select the app and click on the "App Gallery" and click the "Create profile" button to start.

