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SalesForce Call Log - Task Field Validation

  • 25 August 2016
  • 4 replies

We just implemented the RingCentral for SalesForce add-in. Prior to this, sales reps were creating call logs manually which inserts Task records. However, we have certain fields marked as required, such as Call Disposition, and even further, if a rep selects a disposition of "Answered" or "Completed", it then requires additional fields be completed.

How can I use the RingCentral add-in given our Task validation constraints? Can more fields from the Task object be added to the RingCentral addin? Or, am I going to be forced to remove my validations?


Hello Robins, 
You can configure which fields should appear in call log in RingCentral app by navigating to the configuration page  Replace na30 with your own Salesforce POD. 

I do not see the disposition to be a required field. You can also remove the default text in subject field. Are there any customization you have on Subject field in Task object in Salesforce ? 

Thanks.  When you say "Appear in the call log" do you mean that they can be made available to the user on screen in the RingCentral app for picklist and text entry?

Great, thanks!  I'll check it out.
