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Where to find Call Queue in Call Log Data

In the RingCentral Admin Portal you can get reports on call queues and even see the detailed call records with their respective queue. How do I go about getting the queue associated with a call from the RingCentral API? I am currently hitting the "Get Call Log Records by Filter" endpoint and storing the top level detail (id, sessionId, duration, direction, etc...) but the queue is not provided. Do I need to traverse the legs list to determine the queue or is there another endpoint that provides the queue for each call record? If I need to traverse the legs list, how do I determine what leg to stop at for the queue?

2 replies

A call queue / department is just a special extension. Could you please try to filter call log data by extension Id?

Thanks again for the reply Tyler!
I looked at that article but it doesn't seem to address the question I'm trying to answer.

Below is an example of a call I'm trying to tie to a queue/department. There are two queues at the bottom and I would have expected RingCentral to report on the final queue (BUYER General Support) in the admin portal but the second to last one (BUYER Recruiting) was used for reporting. How/why did RingCentral choose this queue for reporting?

Is there someone else at RingCentral that may be able to shed more light on this?

"uri": ";,
"id": "BKZGZCR0FD0gjUA",
"sessionId": "56209146027",
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:18:28.498Z",
"duration": 334,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "LIVENATION",
"location": "Denver, CO"
"recording": {
"uri": "";,
"id": "930120649027",
"type": "Automatic",
"contentUri": "";
"transport": "PSTN",
"lastModifiedTime": "2018-06-07T21:24:18.573Z",
"billing": {
"costIncluded": 0.234,
"costPurchased": 0.000
"legs": [{
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:18:28.498Z",
"duration": 334,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "LIVENATION",
"location": "Denver, CO"
"recording": {
"uri": "";,
"id": "930120649027",
"type": "Automatic",
"contentUri": "";
"transport": "PSTN",
"billing": {
"costIncluded": 0.234,
"costPurchased": 0.000
"legType": "Accept",
"master": true
}, {
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:18:28.527Z",
"duration": 31,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "Company Opening"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "LIVENATION",
"location": "Denver, CO"
"transport": "PSTN",
"legType": "Accept",
"extension": {
"uri": "";,
"id": extension_id
}, {
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:19:00.378Z",
"duration": 20,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "Support Opening"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "LIVENATION",
"location": "Denver, CO"
"transport": "PSTN",
"legType": "Accept",
"extension": {
"uri": "";,
"id": extension_id
}, {
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:19:20.696Z",
"duration": 23,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "Buyer"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "LIVENATION",
"location": "Denver, CO"
"transport": "PSTN",
"legType": "Accept",
"extension": {
"uri": "";,
"id": extension_id
}, {
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:19:44.613Z",
"duration": 112,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "BUYER Recruiting"   -----------Queue in RingCentral admin portal 
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "LIVENATION",
"location": "Denver, CO"
"recording": {
"uri": "";,
"id": "930119344027",
"type": "Automatic",
"contentUri": "";
"transport": "PSTN",
"legType": "Accept",
"extension": {
"uri": "";,
"id": extension_id
}, {
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:19:49.649Z",
"duration": 106,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Outbound",
"action": "VoIP Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"location": "Twin Cities, MN"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "Bill Willis",
"device": {
"uri": "";,
"id": "extension_id"
"recording": {
"uri": "";,
"id": "930119344027",
"type": "Automatic",
"contentUri": "";
"transport": "VoIP",
"legType": "PstnToSip",
"extension": {
"uri": "";,
"id": extension_id
}, {
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:21:36.806Z",
"duration": 146,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",

"name": "BUYER General Support"   ------------------Final Queue
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "LIVENATION",
"location": "Denver, CO"
"recording": {
"uri": "";,
"id": "930120649027",
"type": "Automatic",
"contentUri": "";
"transport": "PSTN",
"legType": "Accept",
"extension": {
"uri": "";,
"id": extension_id
}, {
"startTime": "2018-06-07T21:21:41.861Z",
"duration": 137,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Outbound",
"action": "VoIP Call",
"result": "Accepted",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"location": "Twin Cities, MN"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+###########",
"name": "Paul Shaffer",
"device": {
"uri": "";,
"id": "extension_id"
"recording": {
"uri": "";,
"id": "930120649027",
"type": "Automatic",
"contentUri": "";
"transport": "VoIP",
"legType": "PstnToSip",
"extension": {
"uri": "";,
"id": extension_id


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