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Why are there random delays with Webhook for active calls (/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true)?

  • 11 February 2020
  • 2 replies

We are noticing that some calls that come through are taking a long time to come through the webhook we have set up for an extension. I've tried to determine a particular pattern but it may be a 2-minute delay one time and a 15-minute delay the next time. Normally the calls come through in real-time.

Is there something in particular I could look at or a way to force the delay to be shorter?

How often do you get such a long delay? Can you log the notification which comes late and post them here so maybe we can run some checking. If this problem is consistent, please open a case by sending the question and some log on a support ticket for better support.

Thank you. I will put in a ticket. The delays range in time. Usually we see the notification in real time.
