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Internal only extension for paging system

  • 27 February 2019
  • 2 replies

We are in the process of migrating to RingCentral for several sites. At one site I am trying to set up a line that will only be used to dial in to a paging system by users located physically at the same site. According to RC support, as soon as we connect hardware to a line (Cisco SPA122 in this case) a DID is required. The problem is that I dont want external calls to be able to reach the paging system. The only way I can see to get the setup I need, is to enable "block all calls" on the paging line, and then populate the approved numbers list with every number at that particular site (not many so not an issue).

Is this the best way to set this up? Is there really no way to generate an internal only "virtual extension" that we can point to the SPA122? Or to just block external access to the DID?

Follow up question, if this is indeed the correct path, will the approved users be able to dial the paging line using the direct extension? Or only via the full number?

Sorry if this is a question that has already been asked, I promise I searched the community before posting.

I would call Cyberdata support and chat with them. They have some units you can purchase that do not require a paid line. You will want to discuss your exact requirements with them and they should be able to advise you on which unit is best and how to configure it. Good luck.
It is true that you must have a number, (that technically can be used from outside,) however you can reroute that number to a main line or some other acceptable location.
For example: your main line is 408-1234567
The pager DID is 408-2345678
You can do this: Assign the 408-2345678-DID to what I call a function user. (not a real user but ...well a function.) Click users with extensions, click call handling and forwarding, click advanced, click add rule, give it a desciptive name "Blockexternalcalls", click next, then called number enter in the DID 408-2345678, click next and you will find interesting options  Take message only, Play announcement ("this line is disconnected"), and the other two options concern forwarding, click forward call put in your main line 408-1234567.  
It is not ideal but any outside caller that dials the DID 408-2345678 will go to the main line 408-1234567. 
