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Legacy RingOut.asp API Issue

  • February 26, 2018
  • 0 replies


The RingCentral ringout.asp Legacy API encountered an issue for a limited number of customers where the to and the from phone number values would be reversed. This issue was inadvertently introduced when we migrated another system with the same underlying dependency to use our newer RingOut REST API. We have identified the root cause and are working to ensure no other customers are affected.

Upcoming Fix

For affected customers, we are planning a fix and will be contacting customers directly to provide date and times on when things will return to expected behavior for planning purposes.

Recommended Actions

Beyond waiting for the change, we are making the following recommendations. The first two recommendations are geared towards using the new REST API and the third is remaining on the current API. We recommending upgrading if you can, for two reasons:

  • If you can move to the REST API, you will notneed to update your system again when we rollback the change for the LegacyAPI.
  • We will be deprecating and removing support for the Legacy API so at some point in the future there will be a need to move.

Remaining on the current Legacy API also works with the understanding that the to and the from values will be fixed and switched back with an upcoming fix. You can change your code to swap the to and thefrom now, and then switch back when the fix is in place.

(1) Migration to REST API

We recommend all customers migrate to our RingOut REST API.The REST API is our actively developed API which has many additional capabilities including call recording and voicemail access, SMS/MMS, answering rule configuration, user provisioning via SCIM and much more. This API also does not have the current issue.

To use the REST API, sign in to our developer portal atthe URL below:

If you are having an issue signing into this URL please signinto our Developer Support Glip and contact me there:

The REST API is a bit different than the Legacy RPC API in that it uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication/authorization, requires setting a HTTP header and also using a HTTP request body instead of placing everything in a single URL. You can find more info on migrating to the REST APIs here:

(2) Using the REST API via a API Proxy

If you have a scenario where you cannot move to the REST API due to the additional requirements, e.g. OAuth 2.0, HTTP request header and body, you can create an API proxy that converts a URL-only request to a HTTP request with header and body. You can get more information on this approach in our Developer Guide and the example app:

(3) Swapping the toand the from in the Legacy API

The simplest way to handle this issue is to simply swap the to and the from phone numbers in your URLs.

This is the third and last recommended approach because we will be rolling out a fix and this change will need to be swapped back at a later date which we will communicate.

Additionally, we will be deprecating and removing supportfor the Legacy API in the future.


Please review the options to address this Legacy API issue.

If you have any issues, please feel free to contact us here,on Glip, or by creating a support case at the bottom of our Support Page.

If you need the URL-only request approach used by the Legacy API (vs. our REST API), please let us know so we can consider prioritizing similar support in our REST API.

Our teams are working to resolve this and we look forward to resolving this shortly.

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