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Javascript SDK Issue with Internet Explorer logging in

  • October 30, 2017
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So long story short as we can't use RingOut as a super admin with another users extensionID per this topic I downloaded the Javascript SDK and basically used the demos that were provided.

This works fine in Chrome but I have end users using Internet Explorer (and can not use Chrome for various reasons) and what we're seeing is users are getting a blank page after logging in to RingCentral and authorizing our app.

The blank page is our return page i.e. demo/oauth/redirect.html

F12 browser developer tools shows error "RingCentral" is undefined. Are there issues with this SDK and Internet Explorer 11?

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  • October 30, 2017
Hi Lee,

The error could be due to the fact that IE is not able to access the RingCentral package ( SDK ) while Chrome can. 

This could be because parsing the JS files on both the browsers could be different. How is the RingCentral Package made available to the browser?

1.) Do you provide the cdn?
2.) Do you provide the bundled version of the package downloaded either from npm,bower etc

I do not see any mistake with the SDK unless there is something being missed on your end. Could you please provide the code for us to look into.

Thanks !

  • 0 replies
  • October 30, 2017

Can you post your URL to give our team more information on this? For example:

Since this may be a SDK issue, you can also post this to the SDK's GitHub issues page (along with the WhatsMyBrowser URL) to get more attention from the SDK maintainers who can confirm IE 11 support.


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  • October 30, 2017
Appears the issue is with some users having Compatibility Mode turned on in Internet Explorer.

I managed to recreate locally so will be going to my end users and seeing if this is the case.

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  • November 1, 2017
I have resolved my problem but not by continuing to use the Javascript SDK..  per there are some things you can do if you're having this issue including stopping various .html pages from caching (this seemed to work for some end users but not all).

I simply went back to the C# SDK and built a couple of pages to send and receive authentication token so then I can RingOut as that user server side. Bypasses any issues with JavaScript and my end users who are on various OS and browsers.

I tried to save development time by using their JavaScript SDK demos (I thought they'd work out of the box) but a couple of hours work just building it via C# would have saved me days of annoyance.

I still don't know what the root cause was except it's Internet Explorer related.


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