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subscription presence stopped working after couple of hours, sometimes after couple of days, I still can make a call but no presence.

  • August 25, 2017
  • 2 replies


I am working on the sdk for few months and I have the following issue:

subscription presence stopped working after couple of hours, sometimes after couple of days, I still can make a call but no presence.

I am using version 1.0.0 from github, also when I use latest ring central sdk from nuget nothing works.

I tried plenty of things and I found when I logged off and log back in after second attempts presence will stop also sometimes Subscription_ConnectEvent raise with very long delay and presence not working as well, is there any issue with pubnub.

when I close the program and run it again it works but it will stop after awhile.


2 replies

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2312 replies
  • August 25, 2017
Hi Hadi,

I presumed that you are using the C# SDK (coz you mentioned about getting the SDK from nuget).
First of all, please use the ringcentral-csharp-client SDK as the other SDK is now deprecated.

When you see it stops working, it's worth to double check if the push notification has expired (even it's documented that the SDK will renew automatically). You can use the API Explorer to do a quick check.

If the root cause is because of the subscription was expired, then the SDK subscription auto renewal function does not work and it could be a problem in PubNub or the SDK instance corrupted somehow.

  • Community Manager
  • 420 replies
  • August 26, 2017
Hi Hadi,

I saw the issue on GitHub and I replied there:

Here is my reply:

A quick workaound is to Renew the subscription hourly:

By default it auto renews, but maybe there are network issues or other issues which prevents it to renew successfully. So we Renew it manually every hour(by creating a timer).

I am using version 1.0.0 from github, also when I use latest ring central sdk from nuget nothing works.

Do you mean subscription or everything doesn't work?


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