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how to set up recurrent video meeting and allowing participant to use their mouse on their side?

  • 5 September 2021
  • 2 replies

An automated update version just deleted all of my recurrent video meeting schedule. I need them as soon as possible. In addition, new platform does not allow to schedule recurrent meeting which is very frustrating. I also noticed that sharing screen functions act weird. I do not see the button for allowing participants to control their mouse. Please help me with these. I am very frustrated.

2 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi @Joy Kwon, you can schedule a recurring meeting depending on the Calendar app that you will use. You may select Outlook or Google Calendar. Your computer's calendar has this option too.

Userlevel 4

Here's where you can choose an option on what calendar to use. screen-shot-2021-09-07-at-120355-am.png
