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Admin: How do I delete a User?

To delete an Active User, the user must be disabled with a yellow bubble (see image 1).  After it is disabled the "delete user" will appear under "User Info" (see image 2).

Inactive Users:   If the extension has a gray bubble you either need to activate it to disable it then delete it, or contact support to have it deleted.  Support can ONLY delete a User if there is NO Digital Line (DL) attached...this is due to contract reasons.  If there is a DL attached then you must contact your sales representative. 
  *  (DL meaning a device + a number)

Users > find the extension> then Disable it

After the extension is disabled, it can be deleted. 

  • New Participant
  • May 1, 2015
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled How do I delete a user from RingCentral?. I could not find a way to delete a user from the RingCentral system. If someone leaves our company, is there a way to remove the user? And by user I mean a user without a digital line assigned.

  • New Participant
  • May 1, 2015
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Delete users that were never activated. We just joined RC today and are still learning our way around. We set up some extensions/users that we don't want to keep and they have never been activated.

"Status: Not Activated"

How do we delete these?

  • New Participant
  • May 1, 2015
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Cancel a User. We just had an employee leave, so we want to cancel their user account so we are not charged for this user any longer. We're not ready to hire someone new just yet for this position, but I want to make sure that we can instantly re-add a user and start using this phone right away once we do. Of course that will mean we start paying for that user again.

Just making sure that we can instantly be issued a phone # and start using that IP phone again once needed.

If so, what are the steps for removing that user, taking that phone offline so that we don't pay for that user any longer (until it's needed again).

  • New Participant
  • June 28, 2019
I have no idea why RingCentral has to be so freaking complicated...everything is a struggle...Zoom was so easy... 


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