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Archive SMS using RSS?

  • 7 November 2016
  • 2 replies

I am trying to figure out a workaround solution for archiving all (sent and received) RingCentral SMS messages via a channel that our archiving provider, Smarsh, can access. Is it possible to have SMS auto-forwarded to an RSS feed? Smarsh can archive a private page on our website, and then pull the messages into the archive. So -- is it possible? Thanks for your input!

Hi Kim,

This is very possible. In order to have RingCentral SMS show up in a RSS feed, you'll need to host a RSS feed on your server and have it populated with RingCentral SMS data. To do this, you'll need a program that can read the RingCentral SMS data, convert it to RSS and post it on to the feed.

There are 3 ways to do this.

  1. Have a proxy feed that always retrieves the message-store API response and converts it to RSS
  2. Have a script that subscribes to the message-store eventFilter and publishes to a remote feed
  3. Have a script that polls the message-store API and publishes to a remote feed

As an example, the first approach is implemented as a library and a demo web service here:

Please let us know if you have any questions.

And if you are not a developer you might be able to kludge something together using a combination of RingCentral archiver to Dropbox and Zapier:
