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I am using the c# SDK.

I wanted that my app needs a toast notification showing the incoming Caller's Caller Id information.

how to get incoming Caller's Caller Id information, when phone is ringing.

Kind Regards.

If you want your app to be notified when there is an incoming call:!#RefGetDetailedExtensionPresenceEvent

Then you can fetch the active calls to get detailed information:!#RefExtensionActiveCalls.html
Thanks your reply.
your message has helped me.
I have one more question.
After the call is completed, i am going to download recorded wav file.
as phone's state become to "NoCall" form "CallConnected", I am going to download recorded wav file.  But at this time recorded wav file isn't generated yet.
when should i download file.
I'd like to get notification about generation of wav file.
Is this possible?.
can I use function of subscription?
I believe you will help me.
kind regard.
I am not aware of a notification for wav file generation. I am afraid that you have to do a poll in a short period of time to check the existence of call recording.
