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I am trying to attach an image to an SMS created by my app. When I view the resulting message once I receive it on my phone or tablet, I see the attachment, but if I click on it I just see the word "Photo", followed by JPEG Image or PNG Image (depending on what I tried to send) and the image size. I can't actually see the image. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

Any kind of image or just a particular image? Try this simple image and let me know.test.jpg

Same result. I see the message, but can't see the image. Here is the response I get when I send the message:


"uri" : "",

"id" : 9648411004,

"to" : [ {

"phoneNumber" : "+1(a valid phone #)"

} ],

"from" : {

"phoneNumber" : "+1(my sandbox phone #)",

"name" : "Barney Stone",

"location" : "Los Angeles, CA"


"type" : "SMS",

"creationTime" : "2021-06-14T19:36:43.000Z",

"readStatus" : "Read",

"priority" : "Normal",

"attachments" : [ {

"id" : 9648411004,

"uri" : "",

"type" : "Text",

"contentType" : "text/plain"

}, {

"id" : 2368032004,

"uri" : "",

"type" : "MmsAttachment",

"contentType" : "image/jpeg",

"size" : 8170,

"fileName" : "test.jpg"

} ],

"direction" : "Outbound",

"availability" : "Alive",

"subject" : "Test SMS using a RingCentral Developer account - Test with image",

"messageStatus" : "Queued",

"smsSendingAttemptsCount" : 1,

"conversationId" : 4887734925872257461,

"conversation" : {

"id" : "4887734925872257461",

"uri" : ""


"lastModifiedTime" : "2021-06-14T19:36:43.893Z"


So the recipient number is your mobile number and on iPhone and tablet? Can you send a test MMS from the RingCentral soft phone?

This works normally for others, so you need to try several ways to see what could be the root cause.

What is a soft phone? I can't find any reference to it in the developer documentation.

Scroll to the "RC Phone - Desktop" and select the appropriate platform to download.

Switch to the "sandbox mode" before logging in the app:

MacOS: press “fn + command + f2” keys

Windows: press “Ctrl + F2” keys
