I'm trying to determine where to start. I have read a few post on here, read the API reference and Developers Guide on rigncentral.com.
What I'm trying to accomplish is "download the call log" so it can be uploaded or loaded into the data warehouse for long term keeping and reporting.
With that said I was trying to test the API calls just as a test in Fiddler. just to get my feet wet.
1. I did create an "app" on the sandbox.
2. Don't know if the sandbox has calls to query? I sure didn't create any calls, I don't know how. Is it possible to have "test data" or able to query the production call logs?
3. As a simple test in Fiddler I was sending
Get https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com/restapi
with the header of
accept: 'application/json'
authorization: Bearer 'encrypted string here'
Host: platform.devtest.ringcentral.com
but my response I get is
[Fiddler] The connection to 'platform.devtest.ringcentral.com' failed. <br />System.Security.SecurityException Failed to negotiate HTTPS connection with server.fiddler.network.https> HTTPS handshake to platform.devtest.ringcentral.com (for #249) failed. System.IO.IOException Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. < An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
So I don't know if I need to get auth first or how to do that?
Is there a developers guide that "walks" you through the needed steps and what they are?
Also does anyone know how to get Fiddler or any other "API test" app to just make a few test API calls and see what it response is.
I tried to call the Call API with the https://developers.ringcentral.com/api-reference/Call-Log/readCompanyCallRecord
but since I may not have any calls it doesn't return anything. Again how can I get the sandbox with call data?
I'm trying to determine where to start. I have read a few post on here, read the API reference and Developers Guide on rigncentral.com.
What I'm trying to accomplish is "download the call log" so it can be uploaded or loaded into the data warehouse for long term keeping and reporting.
With that said I was trying to test the API calls just as a test in Fiddler. just to get my feet wet.
1. I did create an "app" on the sandbox.
2. Don't know if the sandbox has calls to query? I sure didn't create any calls, I don't know how. Is it possible to have "test data" or able to query the production call logs?
3. As a simple test in Fiddler I was sending
Get https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com/restapi
with the header of
accept: 'application/json'
authorization: Bearer 'encrypted string here'
Host: platform.devtest.ringcentral.com
but my response I get is
[Fiddler] The connection to 'platform.devtest.ringcentral.com' failed. <br />System.Security.SecurityException Failed to negotiate HTTPS connection with server.fiddler.network.https> HTTPS handshake to platform.devtest.ringcentral.com (for #249) failed. System.IO.IOException Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. < An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
So I don't know if I need to get auth first or how to do that?
Is there a developers guide that "walks" you through the needed steps and what they are?
Also does anyone know how to get Fiddler or any other "API test" app to just make a few test API calls and see what it response is.
I tried to call the Call API with the https://developers.ringcentral.com/api-reference/Call-Log/readCompanyCallRecord
but since I may not have any calls it doesn't return anything. Again how can I get the sandbox with call data?