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I am developing a integration between Freshdesk en the Ringcentral Embeddable. I am however trying to find a way where I can display contacts inside the embeddable.

Use case is:

Call comes into the embeddable.

Take the phonenumber from the call and do a search in Freshdesk

The search results from that call should then be displayed in the embeddable

My Idea was that this is possible in the cotnact page using the emthod described here:

however 1. I cannot get the data type to be a postmessage (it is not described anywhere) and 2. Even if i change it in the browser console and see it going all the way through to the postmessage event it will not work. The contact from the example is not showingn up in the contacts page.

Can you help or assist with this?

With kind regards,


Hi Jeroen, from use case, you should use this API

And I am not sure about "I cannot get the data type to be a postmessage (it is not described anywhere) ". Can you provide the example code and detail steps that you do.

For contacts match API. There are only two steps to do:

1. register the contact match service
2. Listen the match event from message event, and provide match result to Embeddable
