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since I use RC desktop app, I cannot move and share files directly in the message window (via drag & drop). It was possible in the prior browser version, but not in the app. Now I have to select every file via the attachment button and choose path. Another problem here: I cannot select any files from our business server to be shared on RC. Why is that? Sorry I'm a noob and my co-workers couldn't help at all. Thanks for any reply!


Hi @Laura Engelberth, it's not possible on my end, too. I will check with the Product Team if they remove this feature. Thank you!

Hi @Laura Engelberth, the Product Team says that we don't have this feature available. The drag and drop option is only available for links. Please submit a feature request in our Ideas Portal at

Hi Mary, thanks for your help! I've added a idea related to this topic 🙂 you can close it here.
