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Hello Everyone,

We have a small business and only have one deskphone. Then we have a user with an iPhone (me) and a user with an Android who are both using the mobile app. If I am on a call with my iPhone and a RingCentral app call comes through, I am able to answer the RingCentral call. It automatically puts the iPhone call on hold. However, if the Android user is on a personal cell call and he receives a RingCentral app call, he is not able to answer it. Instead, if he clicks "answer" a message pops up stating:

"Answer Call: You are currently on an Android phone call. To answer this RingCentral call, please end your Android phone call."

Has anyone else had this issue and figured out how to fix it? It is extremely important that we are able to put the personal call on hold and answer the RingCentral call if this happens.

I just spent an hour on the phone with RingCentral Customer Support. Although they tried to figure out what was going on, all they could state was that it must be something on the phones setting, which is what I figured was the issue. However, I cannot figure out which setting it may be.

Any assistance is appreciated. Our phones port over tomorrow and we're trying to avoid having to deal with this.

Same issue here.. if they have no answer for this, there is a real issue with their service. In my experience, about 95% of RC calls are spam anyway. Let it go to voice mail or do what I do, forward all calls to mobile. I have NoMoRobo, so when the RC call does not ring on my mobile, it is usually spam.
