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blf on Yealink phones

  • 7 November 2016
  • 2 replies

I am at my wits end. I love Ring Central service but would like to try a more advanced phone (Yealink t48G . Although I am not a developer I am having issues as a customer finding someone that would help me. I am looking for the "Extension" id that can be used with blf to monitor that extension. Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.


Hello Mitch,

You might want to contact your account executive to help in locating a phone which operates with RingCentral and contains the additional features you are seeking.

I am not sure what "blf" is, and might be able to assist you further if you could provide me with a little more context, but to answer your question as best I am able currently...

There are a couple of ways to do this, but here are the ways I know to find the ID of an extension in your RingCentral account:

Using the RingCentral Online Account Portal

1. Login as an Administrator to the RingCentral Online Account Portal (or if you are doing this for a Sandbox developer account:
2. Click on "Users" in the main navigation (of the Admin Portal view)
3. Select the User from the list
4. On the details page, view the address bar and the extension ID is in the URL (this screenshot contains where that information is in the URL, it is highlighted in blue))

Using the RingCentral Developer Portal and Live Console

If you have a developer on staff, or you would just like to explore using the Developer Portal:

1. Login to the RingCentral Developer Portal:
2. Create a new Application "My Apps" -> "Create New App"
3. Name the app and give it a description
4. Set the Application Type to "Server Only (No UI)" and add the following API Permissions: ReadAccount
5. Leave the other settings at their default values, and create the app
6. In a new browser tab, open: 
7. Open the Authorization element and click on the corresponding path to "Get Token"
8. Enter the App Key and App Secret from the new application you created (you'll need to copy these from the other browser tab from your application's Credentials section)
9. Back in the API Explorer, enter the full phone number, password, and extension for the extension from which you require the ID
10. Click the "Try It" button (this will fetch a new RingCentral access_token for you, and cache it so you can use the API Explorer to make additional requests)
11. Open the "Extensions" element from the API Explorer list of resources, and click on "Get Extension List", then click "Try It" button
12. Review the response from the server and find your extension, one of the properties (typically located below "uri") is the "id" property. This is the ID of your extension.

Benjamin Dean,

Thank you so much for your help. That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for taking the time.

