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How to Implement Screen Pop to a URL?

  • 12 August 2020
  • 3 replies

Looking for some documentation on how to implement a Screen Pop to a URL when a customer receives a call to their Soft Phone. If anyone has any links or PDFs they could forward that would be much appreciated.

Do you mean using this feature from the RingCentral softphone?

I am still not sure what you meant by saying "to build". When you specify a url with the query params e.g., you can catch the query params from your page using JavaScript like shown below:

    const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(
    const phoneNumber = urlParams.get('phoneNumber')

@Phong Vu Do you know of any way to launch the url ONLY if the incoming call is from an external number? We get screen pops when an internal call comes to us during a Warm Transfer (not wanted) but then we do not get the screen pop that we actually need when the transfer completes. Example:

1. External call comes in to our main number from XXX-XXX-XXXX

2. Call is answered by extension 1000

3. Extension 1000 does a warm transfer to Extension 2000

4. Extension 2000 gets a screen pop during the transfer but searched number is 1000

5. Transfer completes but Extension 2000 does not get a screen pop for caller XXXX

What we would want to happen is no screen pop during the transfer (from 1000) since it is internal but instead, a screen pop searching for XXXX when the transfer is complete.
