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How to send fax from different fax number to ringcentral number(account).

  • 8 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Want to send a fax from a different fax number to my ring central number or account(admin portal) using RingCentral sdk (fax API)

The code I am using is:-


$dotenv = DotenvDotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__ . '/../');



$rcsdk = new RingCentralSDKSDK( $_ENV['RC_CLIENT_ID'],



$platform = $rcsdk->platform();

$platform->login( [ "jwt" => $_ENV['RC_JWT'] ] );

$request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()


'to' => array(array('phoneNumber' => $RECIPIENT)),

'faxResolution' => 'High',


->add(fopen('test.jpg', 'r'))


$resp = $platform->sendRequest($request);

print_r ("FAX sent. Message status: " . $resp->json()->messageStatus);

To send a fax message using the Fax API, you cannot set the "from" phone number. The server will choose the preselected fax number from your extension outbound Fax settings in your [user extension service portal]( If you want to change the default Outbound Fax settings (send from a company Fax number) for your extension, login the admin portal and change the Fax number to your own number.

