Hi all,
I am currently using the RC API to create an app and I'm making a contact list component. It lists all contacts and all favorite contacts on the page, and I'm trying to add functionality where you can add/remove contacts from favorites.
I'm using the PUT method on the /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/favorite with the body:
{records : [
id: `${contactId}`,
contactId: contactId
]} i.e. using the contact id as a unique ID. however when I list the favourites, the id field resets to 1 for some reason? I'm only adding one favorite at a time, and when I try to add another one, it will replace the previous one, presumably because the ID is the same. Just wondered if there's any way around this, whether there's a better way to do this or whether there's a potential bug with the API ?
Really appreciate any feedback and if you need more detail please ask!!