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I was trying to read a fax and the following error was thrown "Response: StatusCode: 404, ReasonPhrase: 'Not Found', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers: { Connection: keep-alive RCRequestId: a02bf940-ea3d-11e9-9b97-005056afc229 RoutingKey: SJC01P13PAS07 X-Rate-Limit-Group: medi "

FaxResponse response = null;

    using (RestClient rc = new RestClient(RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTID
                                        , RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTSECRET
                                        , IS_PRODUCTION))
        TokenInfo token = await rc.Authorize(RINGCENTRAL_USERNAME
                                            , RINGCENTRAL_EXTENSION
                                            , RINGCENTRAL_PASSWORD);
        if (rc.token.access_token.Length > 0)
            CreateFaxMessageRequest request = new CreateFaxMessageRequest
                attachments = uploadedFiles.ToArray(),

                faxResolution = "High",

                to = new MessageStoreCallerInfoRequest,]
                    new MessageStoreCallerInfoRequest { phoneNumber = toPhoneNumber }

            response = await rc.Restapi().Account().Extension().Fax().Post(request);

            return response;
catch (Exception ex)
    ins_error_log log = new ins_error_log();
    log.runSP(ex, false);

return response;

You did not show the content within the uploadedFiles.ToArray() so I don't know how the attachments were added. Can you show the details or try this instead.

var requestParams = new CreateFaxMessageRequest();
var attachment = new Attachment { fileName = "test.jpg", contentType = "image/jpeg", bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("test.jpg") };
var attachments = new Attachment[] { attachment };
requestParams.attachments = attachments; = new MessageStoreCallerInfoRequest[] { new MessageStoreCallerInfo Request { phoneNumber = RECIPIENT } };
requestParams.faxResolution = "High";
requestParams.coverPageText = "This is a demo Fax page from C#";

var resp = await rc.Restapi().Account().Extension().Fax().Post(requestParams);
Console.WriteLine("Fax sent. Message status: " + resp.messageStatus); 

The files supported are jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, pdf, docx, xlsx and doc

attachments = uploadedFiles.ToArray()

In this case the variable "uploadedFiles" is of the type List<Attachment>. It is being converted into an Array, to support assignment to CreateFaxMessageRequest.attachments. I would like to know, why there is an error in production and I was not facing this during my sandbox testing.
