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We need to receive notifications for specific events in RingCentral CX, specifically when an agent connected in a call (call start) and when the call terminated (call end). It's crucial for us to obtain important metadata, such as agentID, during these events.

We have successfully implemented similar capabilities for RingCentral MVP using a dedicated webhook for this purpose. However, we are unsure about the equivalent approach in RingCentral CX.

After conducting research, I came across Call Streaming as a potential solution. However, we do not require audio data, and we would prefer not to use WebSocket. I also found mention of a Web Services webhook, which seems promising for our use case, but unfortunately, there is limited information available.

Could you guide us on how to implement a webhook in RingCentral CX that can notify our server specifically for call start and call end events, without incurring additional costs such as audio recording, as it is unnecessary for our requirements?

Thank you for your assistance!

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