Looking for ideas....
We has a specific use case that requires both ANI and DNIS to be passed to a Visualforce page on incoming calls and we need to have click to call for efficient outbound calling.
The standard salesforce OpenCTI integration only passes ANI as con10. This won't work as we will purposefully have duplicate phone numbers in the system.
The desired pop would be htts://xxx.salesforce.com/....apex/somepage?con10=<the ANI value>&someotherparameter=<the DNIS value>
The soft phone can pass ANI and DNIS but with click to call being dependent on the open CTI connector this becomes problematic. The soft phone and openCTI sessions "fight" and log the user out.
The using the legacy soft phone app with IE and not using the OpenCTI connector was promising until we found the IE10 is not supported.
Ideas would be welcome. Seems like a simple thing but simple stuff often isn't.