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Sending SMS to multiple numbers at once using API (not as a group message)

  • 27 April 2018
  • 1 reply

Is there a way to send an SMS to multiple phone numbers separately using the API? I know that the SMS sending API endpoint accepts an array of phone numbers in the "to" argument, but when I do that with multiple phone numbers it sends as a group text including all the recipients. I was wondering if there's a way to separately send the same message to multiple recipients with one API call. I know the API accepts batch requests, but I'm unsure if this is supported for the SMS sending API endpoint.

Hi Josh,

Good thinking about using the batch, but I don't it is supported for sending SMS messages. The document says that batch request is implemented via the methods GETDELETE and PUT with all their features. So most probably it is a no when sending SMS is a POST request.

We call multiple recipient is group messaging and that is why all recipient number will be included in the to field.

The only option is to make a loop and send out 1 by one.

+ Phong
