I have configured a Push Notifications at ServiceNow
for a custom Android app. After triggering a specific event, the notification stuck in system log with "Pending" type.
Here are more details:
The user can login to custom APP on mobile device, and got registered in sys_push_notif_app_install table;
The event triggers a push notification and it is successfully written to System Log;
- In system log I can see the message itself, where the registered device token is also mentioned.
Now the message remains Pending for specific period of time, after what turns to failure.
We have a Push Application configured in ServiceNow, that contains Goolge API key and REST API value for both Push and Feedback.
I can also see 2 error messages in System Log:
app="Push app name" origin="push.feedback"
Invalid Feedback REST Message: no thrown error app="Push app name" origin="push.feedback" elapsed=8 exception encountered getting feedback: java.lang.RuntimeException: feedback job does not have a valid
Feedback REST Message: com.glide.push.feedback.FeedbackClientRest.getFeedback(FeedbackClientRest.java:52)