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I have configured a Push Notifications at ServiceNow for a custom Android app. After triggering a specific event, the notification stuck in system log with "Pending" type.

Here are more details:

  • The user can login to custom APP on mobile device, and got registered in sys_push_notif_app_install table;

  • The event triggers a push notification and it is successfully written to System Log;

  • In system log I can see the message itself, where the registered device token is also mentioned.

Now the message remains Pending for specific period of time, after what turns to failure.

We have a Push Application configured in ServiceNow, that contains Goolge API key and REST API value for both Push and Feedback.

I can also see 2 error messages in System Log:

app="Push app name" origin="" 
Invalid Feedback REST Message: no thrown error app="Push app name" origin="" elapsed=8 exception encountered getting feedback: java.lang.RuntimeException: feedback job does not have a valid

Feedback REST Message:

Hi Elena,

I am not aware of the whole system you are using. Can you elaborate more which part of the problem is related to RingCentral service?


Use push notifications to send messages to users when certain conditions are triggered on your instance, such as assigning an incident to the user. A push notification can also request a response and the instance can process the response by acting on the associated records. For example, you can ask the instance to send a change approval request to a user. You can allow the user to approve or reject the change by clicking on a reply button in the push notification. The user response can then update the status of the change record. Push notifications can be configured in the same way as email and SMS notifications. determine: to whom to send the notification when it should be sent what it should contain The ServiceNow mobile app is available as a ServiceNow Classic and as a ServiceNow agent. By default, ServiceNow Classic supports push notifications, but you can also develop your own push application and configure the instance to send push notifications.
