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Hello there,
Is it possible to bind call come in webhook(our own webhook) to specific number where customer can call and we can get user queries at provided endpoint and after processing we can revert to user query. This kind of functionality possible with Twilio so I'm confirming here & if it's possible then how we can do?

Reading your question over and over again, I still don't understand what you want to do.

However, if you are just looking for Webhook notifications, then read this dev guide to get started.

You can also read this article to learn more about the telephony session event notifications.

Hi @Phong Vu ,
Basically we want to integrate RingCentral Call Streaming with our AI Assistant. So, call will be received by our AI Asiistant first and AI will listen user's problem and guide them first. To do so, we need to bind RingCentral Call Streaming bi-directional way so, AI can get Voice and also AI should be able to emit response in the stream in form of audio file. We have seen the documentation but unfortunately didn't find any way to such. It will be great if you can provide us any document for that or help us any way.
Reference Link for Bi-directional Stream we are looking for -

Alternate approach is we can bind our AI assistant using SIP trunking, does RingCentral providing such functionality of SIP trucking?

Reference link for SIP Trunking -

Unfortunately, we don't have platform API to retrieve audio stream from a direct call.

For your use case, you can implement a SIP phone using PJSIP library and handle the audio stream the way you want to. Check out these articles to learn
