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When I get a call from a call queue if I click "Ignore Call" on my desktop app the Incoming Call screen goes away and then pops right back up a few seconds later. 

Same thing on the phone app. Using an Android phone if I decline a call, it goes away for a second then just comes right back up. 

This is extremely annoying. Please look into fixing it. If I ignore a call, I want it ignored. I don't care if it's in a queue and nobody else is answering. If I'm busy, I'm busy.

Can we get an update on this? You recommended "send callers to voicemails in the meantime." What is the process for doing that?

Is it possible to change the time I'm unavailable? I agree with everyone in this topic who finds this setting absolutely horrible.

I am an allstate agency owner who just switched from Avaya to Ring Central.  The issue with ignore in call queues is very disruptive.  Apparently this has been a knows issue for over 4 years.  My background was in technology.  It’s a simple dev fix.  When a call comes in to a queue a user who doesn’t want to answer it should be able to hit ignore and then it stops ringing the desktop.  Right now when you hit ignore it stops for a second or two and then just rings again.  extremely annoying and disruptive.  I cannot recommend other agents switch from Avaya to Ring Central until this is fixed.  Like I said, its a simple dev fix.  Thanks. 

I am an allstate agency owner who just switched from Avaya to Ring Central.  The issue with ignore in call queues is very disruptive.  Apparently this has been a knows issue for over 4 years.  My background was in technology.  It’s a simple dev fix.  When a call comes in to a queue a user who doesn’t want to answer it should be able to hit ignore and then it stops ringing the desktop.  Right now when you hit ignore it stops for a second or two and then just rings again.  extremely annoying and disruptive.  I cannot recommend other agents switch from Avaya to Ring Central until this is fixed.  Like I said, its a simple dev fix.  Thanks. 

Correct Sir!
This continues, and I’ve brought it up at every meeting we have with our new new new new account rep. - and it falls on deaf ears.  Every survey I say the thing - get back to making the core programming stable before adding all the fluff.  There are very few huge glaring bugs like this - but they still do not listen to the Super Admins that have to attend this system every day.

@Mary-Community_Moderator @BeckyH - Any chance of getting this issue in front of someone this year?!?


@Joe Cache @Kegan Hey!
You know I hear you - and I’m working to get more visibility and exposure from our Community members to our leadership. And I’ll add you both to that list and add this topic to the list. 
Obviously, I’m just a lowly Community Manager 🙂 - but will do my best to keep this on the radar, as I know this could be a real game changer for Admins and their teams. 
