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Clicking Ignore Call or Declining the call does not stop the phone from continuing to ring

When I get a call from a call queue if I click "Ignore Call" on my desktop app the Incoming Call screen goes away and then pops right back up a few seconds later. 

Same thing on the phone app. Using an Android phone if I decline a call, it goes away for a second then just comes right back up. 

This is extremely annoying. Please look into fixing it. If I ignore a call, I want it ignored. I don't care if it's in a queue and nobody else is answering. If I'm busy, I'm busy.

38 replies

Community Manager
Hi Marshall,

Can we get your contact number for troubleshooting?

I have this exact same issue and it’s driving me crazy. I have to decline a call over and over and over. Any resolution?

  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • December 18, 2020

For those experiencing the same thing - support wasn't able to solve the issue for me. They just poked around and eventually said its something to do with the fact that the call is ringing on multiple lines and that everyone on that line would need to decline the call for it to stop.

Seems like a bug in the software but to my knowledge, not something they're working on. It'd be great if they were though!

Is this ever going to get fixed? Absolutely brutal when in a meeting and I have to go on do not disturb. What if I want to screen and potentially step away to answer other calls? I can't just decline a queue call?


There is setting in Call Handling for Users from Online portal:

" ring the App for at least 30 seconds"

check if that is not enabled. If yes then please disable it.

This option sometimes cause this issue

I am also having this issue! Hugely disruptive, and if there are more than 1-2 calls coming in at once the phone either rings for five minutes or I have to click ignore every few seconds. This totally defeats the purpose of being able to decline a call - presumably, if I am declining, I have my hands full and cannot take on another interaction at that time. I've started having to just take my headset off while calls are coming in that I can't answer. Please prioritize fixing this, RingCentral!

9 months on and no-one has fixed this or posted a reply here and speaking to support they don't seem to have a clue about it ether. Shocking

Community Manager

Hi Everyone, Our Product Team is aware and currently investigating this issue. We will provide updates in this thread once it’s resolved. We suggest you send callers to voicemails in the meantime.

Thank you very much for replying, but I don't have the option nor would I want to send it to voicemail, because there are other people in the group that will be available to take the call. I hope the product team is able to resolve this soon. I hope you realise how important it is to all of us that it is fixed.

  • New Participant
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  • March 30, 2021

I'm having the same issue and its super annoying. How do we send them straight to VM if the only option is to "ignore" or "answer"

  • Participating Frequently
  • 86 replies
  • March 31, 2021

This isn't a bug - this is how call queues operate. If using rotating/sequential, pressing reject will flag you as unavailable for 5 seconds so the inbound call can ring other members. If no members available, the call will return back to you.

If using simultaneous, the same will apply but it will ring you regardless until the call is handled or has reached the end ring time as setup in the queue.

There are lots of ways to do things, but for you, the easiest would likely be just to toggle "Accept Call Queue Calls" off in the app if you can't attend to that inbound call.

Thanks for the reply,

This isn't a bug - I disagree unless we can control the interval.

5 seconds ? it takes 1 second to press the reject button - why does it think you might have changed your mind about taking the call only 4 seconds later ? that is ridiculous, it should snooze it for at least 30 seconds.

As for your suggestion of turning off accept queue calls -you cannot get to that setting in under 4 seconds on your mobile to turn it off before it returns to the call ringing screen . That is not a very useful suggestion, I may be only unavailable to take that one call while i am talking say to the delivery driver and then in 60 seconds time I will be available to take calls again. so i don't want to have to keep going in and out to toggle that setting - that is just ridiculous.

The main thing should be to change the the timer from 5 seconds to something sensible like 30 or 60 seconds before it tries giving you the call again.

I think this is absurd as well. If we hit Reject it should send that call to Voicemail or if it's from a Queue (Call Center Blast, or Round Robin) then it should just ring to the other folks on the Queue. If they all hit reject then send it to voicemail. I had to remove myself PERMANENTLY from our Support Queue for this exact reason. It was super annoying to have calls repeatedly interrupt me over and over while I was on another call on my mobile phone. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED. It's not a "feature", it's a design flaw. How is this not fixed after being reported as a problem a year ago? Lame.

@Mary-Community_Moderator @Becky-Community_Manager @Jessica-Community_Moderator @Jenn-Community_Moderator can you guys please combine these tickets below into the same issue? This has also been a reported "problem" for 6 years now. When is RC going to take this issue serious?

Here is another ticket reporting the same thing, from 2015:

And again in 2016 with TWO different tickets:

And last year in 2020:

And again in 2018, on the iOS app, but same issue:

How many times does this have to be reported? We used to have Fonality VOIP phones which is a pretty crappy system and it didn't have this same problem. Thanks!

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
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  • April 8, 2021

@Sebastian Stuart I understand your frustration, but @tak-it1 is correct.
This is how Call Queues operate and is operating as designed - we have confirmed this with the product manager for this feature.

The ignore queue call scenario you are describing is not a bug if either the queue is using simultaneous distribution or the ignoring agent is the only available member in the queue.

The issue here is that the agent remains available but is asking to ignore the call - if they change their status to unavailable they will not get queue calls.

Ignore works best when call distribution is rotating or sequential and there is at least one other available agent.
If all agents are rejecting the call, the call will continue to attempt to get an available agent until someone picks up or the customer disconnects.

You have two options - if you want to keep the call queue set up, toggle your status to unavailable and you will not receive queue calls when you are busy.
Or you can explore Ring Groups - calls will be sent to voicemail if the call has been ignored by all the agents associated with that extension.

Product is aware of the ask that when all agents reject a queue call it is sent to voicemail.
Add your voice and vote to the Ideas Portal and we'll continue to surface this with the product team.
Idea can be found HERE.

If you are not a member of a call queue and are receiving calls you can't ignore or decline to your direct number, it is a different issue and is not expected behavior. Connect with Support.

  • New Participant
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  • April 8, 2021

In our situation there are only 2 of us in this "call queue"... if we are available to take the call, we will, if we are not we NEED the ability to send the call to VM or "truly" ignore the call if we are unavailable WITHOUT changing out "status" every single moment. we receive a lot of calls throughout the day and out availability to take a call or not depends on what we are doing "in the moment" of when the call comes through...

@Becky-Community_Manager perhaps it's not a bug, but at minimum, it's poor product design based on how RingCentral advertises themselves.

What you've described is the right feature set for a call center. RingCentral does not advertise or promote itself as a cell center system. You describe yourselves as a business communication system. I don't think it is even remotely debatable that in most business environments or situations, someone does not become available 5 seconds after hitting ignore.

As a SaaS provider with some product design background , here's some ways that you could actually resolve this issue that clearly many of your customers are passionate about rather than arguing with your customers:

1.) Automatically make a user unavailable when they are in a RingCentral meeting (or at least create a setting that would allow the user to turn this feature on)

2.) When hitting ignore, create a pop up that asks the user if they would like to make themselves unavailable.

3.) Create a call queue setting that sends the call to a shared voicemail when all users are unavailable or ignored a call.

  • New Participant
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  • May 5, 2021


  • New Participant
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  • May 5, 2021

When is this going to get fixed?

please all go and vote for this idea here:- so that it can be ignored by the ring central team over there too!

  • New Participant
  • 3 replies
  • July 22, 2022

Hi - It's July 2022 - just checking in to see if there is a solve. I'm still having this issue.

  • New Participant
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  • January 11, 2023

This is still an issue in 2023.... Also, the ringcentral app appears to ignore the do not disturb setting on iOS. Great to be driving with music on and have calls repeatedly interrupt things, repeatedly every 5 seconds after you hit ignore...

  • New Participant
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  • April 3, 2023

If we toggle "Accept Call Queue Calls" off in the app will it go straight to voicemail?

  • New Participant
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  • April 3, 2023

Hi Mary. Any updates on this?

  • New Participant
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  • June 21, 2023

I tried to read everything here but unless I missed something, this is still not fixed correct?

To properly control call flow, we often use call queues with only one member, yet that member pressing 'ignore' on an incoming call queue call does virtually nothing, despite how the queue is configured. What's the purpose of an ignore button if it does not do anything?

  • New Participant
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  • June 22, 2023

Any updates to this problem? OR, can the unavailable flag be increased to 1 minute when a user hits reject call.


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