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In Mac OSX, natively, a user can use Option + Left arrow or Option + Right arrow to move the cursor back one word or forward one word. That's a consistent behavior in every application on the Mac.

RingCentral App introduced additional keyboard shortcuts in Web, Mac (Intel) release that changes the native behavior. In RingCentral App, using Option + Left arrow takes a user back in history. If a user is typing a message and wants to go back a word, they'd use Option + Left arrow, but RingCentral App will take them to the previous history. That means, the user can't use native OSX shortcut and their attention is diverted away from typing the message on to the previous history. What a terrible behavior and choice of keyboard shortcuts!

Can you revert the keyboard shortcut for Option + Left arrow/Right arrow OR give users the ability to choose their shortcut for actions OR remove shortcuts a user feels unnecessary? Your developers must be familiar with Visual Studio Code's flexibility of keyboard shortcuts. Visual Studio Code has really sane and flexible keyboard shortcut options. Perhaps you can provide similar functionalities.

I can see that Ring Central does a consistently poor job of QA'ing their application. Hopefully your management can invest in more and better QA. Hopefully, your product managers and developers can work closely on user experience in case you don't have a dedicated user experience team.

I agree with this post. Option and arrows are a very useful and universal way to jump a word. Ctrl+ left/right still work as expected on windows. It would be best if option and left/right are restored to the default behavior .

+1. Overriding what option left/right does normally leads to a really frustrating user experience.

Thanks for this feedback. We'd ask that feature requests or ideas be added to the Ideas Portal at
We'll make sure the idea for this gets in front of the right teams.

Another related post: by @Parker Johnson

@Parker Johnson @brian-engert @mislav-kos and @Becky-Community_Manager I have added the idea here:

Those who are coming to this post, please feel free to add a comment to Becky (optionally) and add your comments/votes to the ideas page also.

I encourage you all to open support tickets as well at Needless to say for those of us affected, this change has provided an incredibly poor user experience by destroying standard text editing workflows in an application where you're editing text 90% of the time - an expedient fix would be greatly greatly appreciated, and support tickets will raise the issue as needing more attention. My remaining faith in RC's attention to detail when it comes to user experience has been shook to say the least.

Folks, I received an update on RC App. My version is now Web, Mac (Intel) and this issue is resolved. I can use Option + left arrow/right arrow using OSX natural behavior.

RC devs, thank you for fixing this so quickly. Cc @Becky-Community_Manager

It seems that RC removed a bunch of keyboard shortcuts they had to fix this issue urgently. I now only see 2 keyboard shortcuts for app navigation; previously there were a bunch more. That's OK with me.


Great to hear, @Chirag Shukla!
Thanks for circling back with us in the Community!
