If you don't need real time data, you can just fetch the call logs.
Do you any specific issues following the readme file?
I have 4 individual applications that should be connecting with RingCentral but they are giving me errors.
RingCentral-csharp-client-master application. The public AuthorizeTest(RestClientFixture fixture) test job.
When I debug this test job I get the following error.
FlurlHttpException: Request to https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com/restapi/oauth/token failed with status code 400 (Bad Request).
My test application.
Just want to get a successful connection. I followed the install instruction.
RestClient rc = new RestClient("Key", "Secret", "https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com");
rc.Authorize("Username", "", "password");
var extension = rc.Restapi().Account().Extension();
var callLogs = extension.CallLog().List(new { direction = "Inbound" });
var account = rc.Restapi().Account().Get();
I get the following for callLogs and account
callLogs Id = 37, Status = WaitingForActivation, Method = "{null}", Result = "{Not yet computed}"
account Id = 44, Status = WaitingForActivation, Method = "{null}", Result = "{Not yet computed}"
Through Chromes PostMon application
Gives me the following error.
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "Unauthorized for this grant type"
From the test pages on the Dev site.
I am running the very 1st Post call under Authentication.
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "Unauthorized for this grant type" }
For the 400 error, please catch the exception and print the response.
https://github.com/tmenier/Flurl/issues/114 http://tmenier.github.io/Flurl/error-handling/I think it is because you didn't setup the testing project:
https://github.com/ringcentral/ringcentral-csharp-client/tree/master/RingCentral.Test#setupFor RingCentral-csharp-client application, all the http requests are
async, so please don't treat them as sync.
For example: var account = rc.Restapi().Account().Get();
should be change to either var account = await rc.Restapi().Account().Get();
or var account = rc.Restapi().Account().Get().Result;
If you treat them as sync and set a break point, you won't be able to see any data.