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Can I send text message with new line character using Ringcntral Apis? if i can send then in which way please explain.

  • March 30, 2016
  • 1 reply

Can I send text message with new line character using Ringcntral Apis? if i can send then in which way please exaplin.

currently i am trying to send SMS using RingCentral Apis but it gives me error like "Parameter [text] value is invalid".

Following is my values which i am passing into api in UTF-8 Encode.


Following is my values which i am passing into api.

"{"to"=[{"phoneNumber": "14133767135"}],"from": {"phoneNumber": "+13464448263"},"text": "What is your ETA?

What is your location? What time you started loading? What time you finished loading? Are you loaded ?"}"

Can you please help me to do same like above?


1 reply

Per our API Developer Guide specification, the 'text' property of the POST for SMS must has these characteristics:

Text of a message. Max length is 1000 symbols (2-byte UTF-16 encoded). If a character is encoded in 4 bytes in UTF-16 it is treated as 2 characters, thus restricting the maximum message length to 500 symbols

Here is a handy article on StackOverflow explaining the differences between UTF-8 and UTF-16:

Of course, just using normal Unix newline characters I was able to send myself an SMS with the expected results. Here is the body I used as the 'text' property in the HTTP POST to /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/sms:

{"from":{"phoneNumber":"16503514622"},"to":[{"phoneNumber":"13176009731"}],"text":"Hello Ben, How are you?"}

Here is a screenshot (the bottom message is the above body) The message at 13:13, with the double newlines, was me testing and I used windows newline and Unix newline ):


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